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What People are Saying...

“Warning: This book will disturb your soul. It also may change your life and your lifestyle for the better. Palmer Chinchen comes from a family who did give up their lives and change their lifestyles for the sake of others because of the gospel. This focus on others saturates Palmer’s book. May it come to saturate your life and mine as well.”
Dr. Robert C. Cannada, Jr., Chancellor

Reformed Theological Seminary

“Every semester we have dozens of speakers on campus and each has the ability to connect with specific groups of students, but somehow Palmer is able to communicate in a manner that draws most of the students into the conversation. Not only are the messages God honoring, they are practical and provide handles for students to take action immediately. I would love to figure out a way to connect Palmer and the ministries he represents to students at Mississippi College every year.”

Dr. Eric Pratt, Vice President for Christian Development

Mississippi College

“After sending a copy of True Religion to all of our incoming freshmen to read over the summer, beautiful things, that we hadn't dreamt of, began happening! The incoming freshmen decided to do a "barefoot day" when they got to campus, inspired by a story in Palmer's book. The day Palmer spoke in our chapel service, these new freshmen led our campus, and our student body gave over 3000 pairs of shoes for Africa!"

Jon Purple, Dean for Student Life

Cedarville University

"I was looking for a chapel speaker who would challenge our students to think globally about how they could make a difference for Christ.  God led me to Palmer Chinchen to fill that need.  We could not have made a better choice.  Palmer has a style and a message that connects with college students.  If you want a speaker to challenge students to think outside the box and gain a global vision, no one does it better than Palmer Chinchen.  I recommend him to you without any reservation.”

Dr. George Loutherback, University Chaplain

University of Mary-Hardin Baylor

“Engaging college students requires a special gift, and Palmer brings both passion and substance, daring to challenge them with the hard stuff so the Kingdom of God can come to more and more places on earth.  And they respond because it's a call to a significant, colorful life in a world full of the average and mundane.”

Scott Little, Vice President for Student Affairs

Belhaven University

"Palmer's message of gospel-centered social activism and social justice resonates with a generation of college students who want a faith that works.  They don't want to sit in corner and think about their faith, they want it put to the test in the real world and Palmer knows how to speak to that urge and channel their energies in positive direction.  At Cedarville, we spend a lot of time wrestling with what it means to keep Jesus at the center.  Palmer understood that struggle and spoke to our student body in a way that set the tone for the whole school year...the kind of speaker that you can't wait to have back."

Dr. Carl Ruby, Vice President for Student Life

Cedarville University

“If what you are looking for is someone to deeply challenge the next generation to come alive Spiritually and better serve the social justice issues our crazy world faces, then Palmer is your guy.  After his talk, Palmer Chinchen was a student magnet.  I even saw one of our students give Palmer the shoes off his feet because he was so moved by Palmer’s words.  The guy connects in an unbelievable way.”

Dr. Byron Weathersbee, Vice President for Student Life

University of Mary Harden Maylor 

“Chinchen teaches us to open our eyes to the brokenness of the world and practice true religion, as Jesus defined it, which is to love first and love much. With many ideas for how to become the “expatriate”—and take God’s mercy to places beyond our comfort zone—this book stretches believers to not only see Christ in every human need but to actually do something about it.”

Dr. Barry H. Corey, President 

Biola University

“If you were to poll our students and ask who were the top two or three speakers they heard this year, Palmer would be in that list.  He knows how to communicate to the hearts of college students.  He has a unique ability of drawing them to Christ along with giving them a global, God given vision for the world.  It was a delight to have him here!”

Joe Walters, Dean of Spiritual Formation

Colorado Christian University

“We all owe a debt of gratitude to Palmer for taking us beyond the stagnation of self-absorbed spirituality to the joy of pouring our lives out to others in radical ways. If you’re wondering what’s missing in life, True Religion just may be your answer!”

Dr. Joseph Stowell, President
Cornerstone University - Moody

“True Religion will wake up the passion sleeping in your soul. If your heart and soul have been cold to the trouble in this world, then you must read this book. Palmer Chinchen challenges arm-chair quarterbacks everywhere to get off the couch and give their life away to change what is broken in this world.”

Kurt Warner

NFL Quarterback - two time NFL MVP

“What medicine would you prescribe for what ails the church? I’d suggest a strong dose of what Palmer Chinchen serves up in this book. Reading True Religion will transform lives—and entire congregations. This book should be required reading for twenty-first-century Christians.
Dr. Duane Litfin, President
Wheaton College

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